Thursday, April 22, 2010

i apologize for not blogging lately, but i am just really whiney and i know no one wants to read a whiney blog.
to make a long story short, i found out that my third flight was cancelled this morning, but my amazing momager (mom + manager) was able to save the day once again.
i was out at portobello market when i heard the horrendous news and i just about had a panic attack right there in the middle of the street, but luckily a cupcake store was nearby and i immediately purchased myself a bit of red velvet goodness that calmed me down.
i can't even tell you what anxiety this volcano has caused in my life.
audrey and caitlin left early this morning, and the rest of the program went to a castle today, but i swore to myself i would never get on that bus again, so i spent the day alone. it was kind of nice. and i definitely did not regret my choice when i found out that tony, the bus driver from hell, drove today. and apparently all of the cooper children vomited numerous times. sitting out on castle trip = very wise decision.
so i went to the movies by myself. something i've never had the courage to do before. my best friend in bolivia used to do it all the time, but he has a lot more self esteem than i do. i was embarrassed when i asked for one ticket to a matinee, not going to lie. but it was an exhilarating experience once i did it. i saw remember me, with robert pattinson. kind of a downer movie, but the sex scenes in that movie are steamy. lately i've been judging movies off of how good the sex scenes are. what is wrong with me?
i texted my mom all through the movie and she was able to work some sort of miracle and book me a british airways flight for tomorrow morning. a direct flight, earlier than the one that had been previously cancelled. mom, thanks for hiding in the cinnamon productions bathroom and sacrificing your eggs benedict to get me home. you are the best.
after the movie i came back to the center and then brit and i went on a date to wagamamas. i had my favorite chicken curry for the last time and then we rode the tube for my last time and then came home for the night for my last time. i tried to be nostalgic about the whole thing, but it was hard. i'm ready to go. i've had a million laughs and incredible experiences here and i wouldn't trade this study abroad for anything, but i'm ready to start the next chapter of my life. life is exciting.
karen, roger's wife, came into our dorm tonight as we were packing and getting everything ready to go. somehow we started talking about valentines day, and how i got roses, and then how i am no longer in a relationship, and i was very surprised to hear that she knew quite a few details about my personal life. i suppose that's what happens when you live in a house of forty girls, but i thought it was funny. in a weird way, i will miss that. the togetherness of 27 palace court.
that being said, yes, david and i broke up. there isn't any resentment or hostility or bitterness or negativity of any kind. we have parted ways peacefully, as two people who really genuinely care for each other should, and life is going to go on. i still think he is the most incredible man i know, and i still love him very much, but sometimes that is not enough to make it work. i think this decision goes down in the books as one of the most mature and adult decisions i've ever made in my life.
and that is all i have to say about that.
i must go get a few hours of sleep now, as my taxi will be arriving in approximately four and a half hours.
my life tomorrow will be a party in the usa. 
and i just can't wait. 

1 comment:

cate said...

Your blog header is so cute.