Sunday, August 31, 2008

lessons learned.

i was leaving work the other day and was in such a crabby mood because i was sore and tired and cranky and the girls at work are just not very nice. i was being a pessimist because i has just finished an eight hour shift on a saturday and i felt like it was qualified. i stormed into the employee room and grabbed my bag to leave for the day and then i noticed the tokened nordstrom slogan plastered in the wall:
"through these doors pass the most courteous people in the world."
because i was already in a pretty dismal mood, i figured that john w. nordstrom created this saying to encourage his employees to plaster smiles on their faces in order to make the most profit imaginable, which is probably true, but i really believe it is more than that.
maybe i shouldn't be the most courteous person in the world only when i walk through those doors. maybe i should apply that slogan to my life. maybe i should force a nordstrom-smile outside of work and be courteous to people who aren't my customers. 
i believe in aiming to be the most courteous person in the world.
thank you john w. nordstrom.

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