Sunday, March 21, 2010

(our young single adults class)
we went to church this morning. it only took us an hour, thank goodness our train station isn't closed anymore. maddy taught a lesson on overcoming trials. something we all probably need to hear, all the time.
as i was getting on the train to head back into london after church, david randomly woke up and started texting me. i think i love him most when he is half asleep. maybe it's because he's semi-delusional, maybe it's because he's warm and soft, but mostly it's because he is melty and extra lovey. i loved being able to wake him up when we lived in provo. sorry if this is an overshare, but sometimes i would punch in the secret code to his front door, let myself in, and wake him up by kissing that big face i love so much. i'm missing him big time, if you couldn't already tell.
anyway, we came home after church and decided we needed a pick-me-up. living in a house of 40 girls is starting to get pretty bothersome. it has it's moments when it's all good and fun, but hearing about body issues and who got what on the british politics exam and who's daddy is richer gets really annoying after a while. i love london, but i think that in 27 days, when this program is over, i will be glad to leave.
so we may or may not have gone to see legally blonde. and i may or may not have teared up a couple times.
there's this part when paulette is talking to elle about how she dreamed of marrying an irish man and living in ireland. she has terrible self-esteem and looks up to elle and how she chases her dreams, and she tells her:

 "but a girl sweet as you has a future.
you have hope as each new day dawns.
girls like you always get to see ireland.
give my love to the leprechauns."

i'm glad i get to see my ireland. 


Kellee said...

we've never met. I stumbled across your blog a while ago and I adore it so I added it to my blog roll so I can see when you update. I hope you dont mind!

Jack and Melissa McIntyre said...

This is your GRANDMA FAYE..we'll be back in Lehi aprox. April 20..hope to see you soon. And YES you overshared!(that's from your Aunt Melissa) YOU!