Monday, April 26, 2010

i am home and have been since friday afternoon.
i once again hauled two 60lb suitcases and a carryon pushing 50lbs.
once i got to lax everyone kept asking me if i needed help and if i was traveling alone, as if i was a 14 year old girl.
excuse me, i'm 20 years old.
i'm an adult.
with real adult issues and real adult feelings.
and even though i often feel very unqualified to be an adult, it's what i am.
i was greeted at 6 rue cezanne by two wagging tails and a welcome-home sign stretched across the kitchen and my most favorite people on the planet.
on friday i got my nails and my hair done so i could feel like myself again.
the dirty blonde was starting to make me question my identity.
but facts are, i am different now.
london changed me and my circumstances here have further changed me.
this is another one of those transitionary phases in my life where i am going to have to evolve once again.
and you know what, i'm going to be okay.
i always am.
by the grace of God.

on a lighter note, have i told you that i love my best friend? even if he is a very very far away?
"be strong, ask for strength, for peace.  learn.  keep on going.  dotn be like everyone else that has to wait until everything has passed and is over to understand why things are happenign, figure it out while it is still going on, it will make it a lot less painful."


Jack and Melissa McIntyre said...

I heard somewhere that most of the onslaught of decisions & choices that effect the rest of your life(& the eternities)will be made between the ages of 19-22. I know that because of the fast & frenetic times we live in, we have to make changes & choices quickly to stay on track...YOU are doing it Emma. Always remember that in the pre-existence you KNEW you could handle it..that alone gives you the power & knowledge to endure. You're the BEST Emma..we love you always & forever! Aunt Melissa & Uncle Jacket

Audrey said...

You look black in this picture. What the heck. Not fair.