Monday, March 14, 2011

i had my first horror dream about the wedding last night. it was april 30th, and my dress hadn't arrived or been altered yet. and then we were back at my house up here, and wedding presents were being delivered, and someone left us a baby and a box full of toys. no note, nothing. just a red headed baby. 
needless to say, i woke up extremely unsettled. 
yesterday i made homemade rolls and homemade lasagna and had all the boys over for dinner. it was kind of a celebration of tanner's life, because yesterday, as he was driving home, he fell asleep at the wheel, hit another car, and somehow is completely fine. before he even woke up, he was pulled off onto the side of the road, with his car in park. he didn't wake up until the man in the car he hit knocked on his window. he doesn't remember anything, as he was asleep, but he's completely unharmed. we sat at the table and talked about how angels must have been driving for him. miracles really do exist, and God really does live and take active part in our lives.
i've decided i'm sick of letting people rain on my parade. i'm sick of letting them determine my happiness.
today i'm going to be happy, even if people are mean to me, even if it snows, even if i'm late to class. i'm going to be happy because i have so many reasons to be.

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